How Do Smart Thermostats Work?

January 20, 2021

If you’ve ever been in a battle with a family member over the temperature of your Beaumont home, you’ve understood, at a basic level, the importance of a thermostat. Thermostats can do far more than resolve disputes between family members, though. Some thermostats can precisely control the temperature of your house without you having to argue about it or even manually change the settings. In fact, they can do it even if you’re not home. These are called smart thermostats, and they are the focus of this article from . What Is a Smart Thermostat? At its core, a smart...

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Signs You’re Overworking Your Air Conditioning System

October 20, 2019

Your air conditioning system does not always respond well when it is asked to do too much. When it is under stress, it will not perform at its best. Here are some signs that you may be working your air conditioning system too hard. 1. Your System Loses Efficiency When you are asking too much from your air conditioner, you will start to get less for more. In other words, you will get less cooling at the same time that your bill keeps skyrocketing. An air conditioner that is taxed will need more electricity to reach the same output. This...

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Controlling Static Electricity at Home

April 20, 2019

When static electricity builds up in a home, getting shocked can occur more frequently than you’d like. In addition, your hair might get frizzy, and your skin could suffer in a dry environment. Thankfully, there are simple solutions to address the problem. Add Moisture to the Air The basic idea behind fighting static electricity is to add moisture. When the air is more humid, the static electricity will naturally decrease. This is because water molecules can attach themselves to various surfaces, interfering with the process of electrical buildup. Humidifiers can be used to combat dry air. There are a variety...

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Closing Vents Won’t Lead to Energy Savings

March 19, 2019

If you’re looking to save money on your energy bills, you’ve probably considered shutting the vents in the rooms you don’t typically use. Although this seems like an idea that might work, it probably won’t have the effect that you’re looking for. No Less Air When you close off a vent, you’re only keeping the climate-controlled air from flowing into that room. However, you’re not stopping the air from filling up the duct that leads to the vent. Closing some vents doesn’t change the output of your furnace or air conditioner. Therefore, when the air is blocked from entering a...

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